27 Mei 2008

Mitra Buana Komputindo: lowongan kerja IT Support

Dibutuhkan segera IT Staff untuk Posisi :


Job Description :

- Install, Setting, Troubleshooting PC & Notebook

- Maintenance PC & Notebook

- Setting & Maintenance LAN

- Create task & problem status report

Kualifikasi yang dibutuhkan :

* Pria / Wanita ( Siap melakukan pekerjaan bongkar pasang komputer, tarik
kabel dan sejenisnya )

* Umur max. 26 tahun

* Min Lulusan SMK komputer ( diutamakan Lulusan SMK Komputer, Fresh
Graduated )

* Mengerti OS Windows 2000, XP, Vista

* Mengerti OS Linux merupakan nilai tambah ( Sistem di Office Linux )

* Mengerti / Dapat merakit komputer

* Mengerti / dapat mengatasi trouble shooting komputer, printer dan

* Memiliki pengetahuan tentang LAN / Networking / TCP/IP

* Mengerti Aplikasi-aplikasi Internet (www, email dll)

* Mau bekerja keras

* Aktif belajar & mengembangkan diri

* Mudah bergaul & ramah

Bila Anda memenuhi kualifikasi, kirimkan CV & pas foto ke : aldy@mbk.co.id

atau melalui Pos dengan kode TS ke :

PT. Mitra Buana Komputindo

Gedung Wirausaha Lt.8 suite 802

Jl. HR Rasuna Said Kav. C5

Jakarta Selatan 12940

up/ ALDY. IT Divison

26 Mei 2008

Rackindo: Membutuhkan Programmer PHP segera

PROGRAMMER PHP (Urgently Required)

Perusahaan Furniture merek Pro Design, membutuhkan tenaga web-base
programmer berbasis PHP untuk aplikasi ERP, dengan penempatan di kantor
Gresik atau Surabaya, gaji s.d. 3 juta/bulan, dengan kualifikasi sebagai

1. Menguasai HTML, Javascript, dan CSS
2. Menguasai pemrograman PHP (dasar, session, frame work (OOP),
3. Menguasai database MySQL (koneksi, query, transact SQL, dll dari
4. Menguasai XAJAX
5. Minimal D3, Fresh graduate are welcome
6. Bisa bekerja dalam Team
7. Kreatif
8. Dapat bekerja sesuai dengan target
9. Bisa berbahasa Inggris minimal pasif

Kirim Surat Lamaran, foto terbaru, dan CV ke alamat email: HYPERLINK
"mailto:praja@rackindo.com"praja@rackindo.com , ditunggu sampai dengan
tanggal 30 mei 2008. Kami hanya mengundang kandidat yang memenuhi

Praja Wibisono – Pimpro ERP
PT. Putera Rackindo Sejahtera
Jl. Segoro Madu II No. 3 Gresik
Email: HYPERLINK "mailto:praja@rackindo.com"praja@rackindo.com

25 Mei 2008

Caltics: Required Project Admin and Programmer

Cakralink Telematics (Caltics) is a new emerging and fast growing ICT
consulting firm, delivers solutions in Geographical Information System
(GIS) application, Telecommunication, IT and Business Solution. We are
located in strategic area in Central Jakarta. Due to our Expanding
Projects, we challenge you, experienced talents, for the positions of:

Project Admin
- Excellent in Project Administration
- Ability to manage multiple project administration
- Excellent documentation in English
- Experienced in full cycle ICT project implementation
- Minimum S1 Degree in any discipline

- Excellent skill in RDBMS
- Solid knowledge in web-based technology
- Experienced in developing web-based database management system implementation
- Good skill in VB/Java, Php, and MyAdmin
- Experienced in developing interfaces for multiple systems
- Business and commercial acumen
- Good communication in English
- Minimum S1 Degree in Informatics or Engineering.

We offer the successful talent with attractive remuneration in our extraordinary organization.

Should you meet the requirements, please send your resume/CV to
hari.wahyudi@cakralink.com or caltics@cakralink.com as of 30-May-2008
at the latest. Only Short listed candidate will be contacted.

21 Mei 2008

Dicari freelance/full time programmer CMS web/mobile

Ehlo all,
Sebuah tim yg mengembangkan Content Management System berbasis Java/mySQL,
mendapatkan kontak dari sebuah prospective customer.

Dari sisi core CMS-nya sudah siap, memenuhi kebutuhan customer tsb.
Tapi terdapat "exotic requirement"
yg challenging ...

Nah, apa ada temen-temen programmer yg berminat bergabung ? Boleh
freelance (project-based), boleh dengan kontrak (sekitar 3 bulan) ...
Boleh mahasiswa, boleh perusahaan, boleh start up. Detail scope of
work akan dibuat jelas, juga budgetnya.

CMS yg sudah dibangun sendiri berbasis Java. Tetapi selebihnya jika
memang tidak memungkinkan,
silahkan gunakan tool/bahasa apapun yg bisa berkomunikasi dengan mySQL
dan berjalan di atas platform *nix (Linux, Solaris, IBM AIX, HP UX)

Mungkin challengenya bisa dipecahkan oleh 10 programmer. Biaya masih
boleh diajukan, jadi silahkan ...

Bidang yg dibutuhkan :

1. delivery/upload content via SMS.

2. delivery/upload content via MMS.

3. membuat deteksi request dari PDA device sehingga content yg
di-deliver sesuai dgn ukuran browser

4. membangun fasilitas video on demand via stream (internet tv)

5. membuat peta (mash antara Google Map dengan content ?)

6. membuat CMS mendapat delivery dari RSS (dan sebaliknya menghasilkan

7. membuat content uploader dari mobile device (JavaME based atau WAP

8. membuat online (web based) chat

9. membaca email dan memasukkannya ke content system

10. membuat report (Jasper dkk) ttg artikel yg dimuat, per
kontributor, per topik, juga laporan ads yg masuk

Jika berminat, silahkan kirim email ttg bidang mana yg mau digarap, CV
termasuk berapa anggaran yg diminta. Please jangan terlalu rendah
sehingga kurang menarik buat temen-temen.

Nama :
Bidang :
Anggaran :
Waktu : (berapa minggu ?)

Juga jika yg mau maju berupa PT/cv/klub juga boleh.

Best regards,

Eko Budhi S

19 Mei 2008

Lowongan Web Developer untuk Mahasiswa

Dear All..
Untuk Mahasiswa yang ingin bekerja sambil kuliah silahkan bergabung
bersama Team kami untuk menyelesaikan proyek-proyek, silahkan
mengirimkan cv anda ke kami.

Jabatan : Programer PHP
Fungsi Kerja : IT, Web Developer
Posisi : Web Developer
Lokasi Kerja : Jakarta
Pendidikan : Diutamakan Statusnya Mahasiswa dan Lulusan yang belum
Jurusan : Tek. Informatika, Ilmu Komputer, Teknik Komputer
Pengalaman : Minimal 1 Tahun
Jenis Kelamin: Tidak Diutamakan
Gaji : Tuliskan Gaji yang diginkan di CV anda.
Status : Kontrak Per Project
Persyaratan : - Menguasai Bahasa Pemrograman PHP
- Menguasai HTML, Java Script
- Menguasai Photoshop (Menjadi Nilai Tambah)
- Memahami Konsep CMS (Content Management System)
- Menguasai Database MySQL
- Menguasai Teknik - Teknik Pemrograman PHP

Deskripsi Pekerjaan :
1. Membantu Mengembangkan Project Website di CIPCYBER
2. Bersedia menjalani Sistem Kontrak Per Project

Kirimkan Segera CV + Portfolio website yang pernah dikerjakan dan
sertakan alamat website portfolio anda serta Tuliskan Nilai Gaji yang
diinginkan ke supt_cipcyber@yahoo.com, Paling Lambat tanggal 26 Mei

Via Email : supt_cipcyber@yahoo.com

Terima Kasih

16 Mei 2008

Vacancy - Programme Clerk at UNESCO Jakarta Office [Due: 20 May '08]

From: [INCL English] [incl.contact@gmail.com]

UNESCO Jakarta Office - Programme Clerk

Unit: Coastal Regions and Small Islands
Title: Programme Clerk
Level: L5
Duty Station:
Jakarta (Open for Indonesian citizen only)
Starting Date: Immediately
Duration of Contract: 2 years with 1 year probationary period
Closing Date of Applications:
20 May 2008

Description of Responsibilities :

Under the supervision of the Programme Specialist responsible for the Unit, and the authority of the Director of UNESCO Jakarta Office, in close cooperation with the Programme Specialists and staff of the other units of the Office the incumbent shall:

  1. Assist in collecting and maintaining information on CSI programme activities implemented in the region by reviewing reports and through first hand sources; analyse information on subject-matters relevant to the organization and on external assistance provided to the countries in the field of CSI and suggest options for further development of CSI programme activities especially in Indonesia.
  2. Assist in monitoring the implementation of CSI and IOC decentralized programme/project activities by reviewing the related records, including control work-plans, progress reports, project inputs, budgets and financial expenditures and take the appropriate action.
  3. Draft and administer contracts for the execution of the CSI and IOC decentralized programme/projects activities and arrange for the payment and/or the liquidation of related obligations
  4. Prepare initial status and progress reports by providing information, preparing statistics and drafting selected sections. Prepare background materials for use in discussions and briefing sessions
  5. Arrange the administrative and logistics inputs required for the organization of conferences and meetings by assessing proposed venue, budget, list of participants, agenda. Coordinate the arrangements with all parties and assist in the writing of speeches, press briefs and dissemination of information.
  6. Perform other official duties as may be required by the immediate Supervisor and the Director of the Office.
  1. Knowledge of the UN systems, administrative policies and practices is an advantage
  2. Strong communication skills (spoken and written)
  3. Proficiency in various MS Office applications (Excel, Word) and other IT applications
  4. Team worker/builder, proven record in working collaboratively with colleagues to achieve organizational goals and ensure timely delivery of results.
  5. Ability to work with minimum supervision, with efficiency, competence, integrity and in harmony with people of different national backgrounds
  6. Strong analytical skills and ability to analyze complex issues.
  7. Ability to identify priority activities and assignments and make necessary adjustments as required
  8. Ability to work productively under heavy pressure while maintaining accuracy and paying attention to detail.
  9. Ability to work beyond normal working hours necessary.

Educations: First level University Degree (BA) is preferred in environmental management or other relevant discipline.

Work Experience: At least 5 years progressively experience in environmental management and programme coordination preferably in other UN agencies or international organization. Good knowldege of various computer softwares (Microsoft Office, Word, Spreadsheet, Database, Powerpoint)

Languages : Must have fluency in spoken and written English and ability to draft documents and express views in a clear and concise manner. Working knowledge of French an asset.

Other Skills: Knowledge of UN systems and procedures as they relate to Staff Regulations and Rules, personnel and administrative policies and procedures as well as financial rules and procedures.

Contact Details:

Most recent Curriculum Vitae accompanied by an application letter should be sent to:

The Administration Officer

Jl. Galuh (II) No. 5
Jakarta 12110
Fax: (62-21) 7279 6489
Email: jakarta@unesco.org

UNESCO shall only respond to short-listed candidates.

Laurel Heydir



URGENT VACANCY JAKARTA - Daerah Tomang - Web Programmer - FRESH GRADUATE saja

PHP Programmer - Fresh graduate saja

mengerti PHP 4 and PHP 5
mengerti MYSQL
mengerti HTML dan CSS


Microsoft dotNet, C# dan ASP programmer - Fresh graduate saja

mengerti Microsoft dotNet
mengerti C# atau VB.net
mengerti database Microsoft SQL server
mengerti HTML dan CSS

Natalie Prahba

Lowongan Programmer PHP/Python & Web Desainer

Informasi URGENT:

1. Lowongan Programmer PHP/Python
- PHP/Python
- Database (minimal Mysql/ PostgreSQL,SQLite)
- Linux
- Domisili di Jogja lebih diutamakan
2. Web Desainer
Untuk mengembangkan beberapa aplikasi PEMDA

Silahkan kirimkan CV , CD contoh aplikasi yang pernah dibuat
Best Regards,

Rohmad Hidayat

Comp&Net Div
PSE-KP UGM --> http://psekp.ugm.ac.id
Mobile: 087838285407
homepage: http://rhdblog.wordpress.com
YM ID: mr_satpam

Job Vacancy : Marketing Director for ICT Consulting Firm

Cakralink Telematics (Caltics) is a new emerging and fast growing ICT consulting firm, delivers solutions in Geographical Information System (GIS) application, Telecommunication, IT and Businses Solution. We are located in strategic area in Central Jakarta. Due to Expanding Projects, Caltics is looking for experienced talent for the posisition of Marketing Director.
- Target Oriented
- Excellent Managerial Capability
- Excellent Communicator and Negotiator
- Excellent in English Communication
- Experienced in ICT project implementation cycles minimum 3 years
- Solid knowledge in ERP application such as Oracle E-Business Suite Package, SAP Package, and Others
- Minimum S1 Degree in Electrical,Telco, Industrial Engineering or Business Degree

Should you meet the requirements, please send your resume/CV to hari.wahyudi@cakralink.com or caltics@cakralink.com as of 22-May-2008 at the latest.
Only Short listed candidate will be contacted.

Numpang lowongan untuk IT Support



PT. Bakrie Tosanjaya perusahaan yang bergerak dibidang pengecoran besi dan
logam salah unit usaha PT. Bakrie Bothers, beralamat di jl Raya Bekasi Km.
27 Pondok Ungu Bekasi, saat ini sedang membutuhkan 1 (satu) orang tenaga
untuk jabatan


Uraian pekerjaan

1. Melakukan Pemeliharaan terhadap:

1. LAN System (Server, Workstation, Switch & Cabling Sistem).

2. Internet System (Internet Connection, Modem, Gateway Firewall & Router).

3. Mail System (Mail Server, Server & Client Admin).

4. Hardware & Peripheral (CPU, Notebook, Moniter, Printer & Scanner).

2. Melakukan Support terhadap:

1. Operating System (OS) Server & Workstation.

2. Standard Office System (Microsoft Office).

3. Management Information System (Modul-Modul Aplikasi Database).

4. Program/Software Lain.

3. Bertanggung jawab langsung ke Koordinator IT System.


1. Laki-Laki
2. Usia maksimal 27 tahun.
3. Pendidikan S1 dibidang Komputer/Informatika.
4. Pengalaman di bidangnya minimal 2 tahun.
5. Mempunyai kemampuan troubleshooting yang baik, daya analisa yang
baik, dan mempunyai kemampuan teknis hardware yang baik, lebih disukai
mempunyai sertifikat.
6. Mampu berkomunikasi dengan baik & mampu berbahasa Inggris.

Bagi yang berminat, dapat mengirimkan surat lamaran paling lambat dua minggu
setelah penayangan iklan.

Surat lamaran dikirim ke : email : it@bakrie-tosanjaya.co.id

Job Vacancies at PT Visitek Indonesia

Visitek is a premier consulting and system integration firm. We have
collected extensive experience in system integration, business
intelligence, data warehouse, etc. In giving our customers the best
solution, we partnered with world-leading companies (BEA, HP,
OpenCloud, Cognos, etc.).

To accomodate our expanding business, we offer vacancies with
attractive remunerations for qualified professional as:


- Hold a minimum of S1 degree in Computer Science, Telecom
Engineering or Electrical Engineering
- Have implemented application using Java especially in J2EE,
- Understand Middleware Application Architecture.
- Good English proficiency (written and verbal).
- Understanding of Telco business process and eTOM Framework
is an advantage
- Good communication and presentation skill
- Experience at least 5 years


- Hold a minimum of S1 degree in Computer Science, Telecom
Engineering or Electrical Engineering
- Have implemented application using Java, especially J2EE
- Understand Middleware Application Architecture
- Experience at least 1 year in using BEA WebLogic products


- Hold a minimum of S1 degree from related major
- Have a minimum 5-7 years experiences in planning, managing
and coordinating IT projects
- Experiences in J2EE & BEA WebLogic is an advantage
- Have a good knowledge in business process of
telecommunication or banking industry
- Have a good understanding and experiences in project
management (eg. scope management, time management, cost management,
resource management, and risk management, etc)
- Have an excellent management skills and strong leadership to
manage teams
- Have a positive attitude, good networking, strong
communication and interpersonal skills


- Hold a minimum of S1 degree from related major
- Has minimum 2-3 years experiences in planning and
coordinating IT projects
- Have experiences in J2EE & BEA WebLogic is an advantage
- Have a good knowledge in business process for
telecommunication industry
- Have a good understanding and experiences in project
management (eg. scope management, time management, cost management,
resource management, and risk management, etc)
- Have an excellent management skills and strong leadership to
manage teams
- Have a positive attitude, good networking, strong
communication and interpersonal skills
- Able to handle project with tight deadline


- Hold a minimum of S1 or D3 degree from related major with
2-3 years experiences
- Have a good understanding of J2EE concepts
- Experienced in J2EE & BEA WebLogic products
- Previous experience in 1 full cycle project using BEA
WebLogic products would be an advantage
- Having knowledge in business process for telecommunication
industry is a big advantage
- Able to handle project with tight deadline
- Fast learner and self motivated
- Have a positive attitude, strong communication and
interpersonal skills
- A good team player

If you are qualified for one of above postions, please send your full
resumes and recent photograph directly to our e-mail address:

hrd@visitek.co.id or zusty.dewa@visitek.co.id

or to our office address at:

Menara Duta building 3rd Floor, Wing C,
Jl. HR Rasuna Said Kav B-9,
Jakarta 12910

For more information, please call Zusty: 0812 816 1940

Job vacancies (Java Developer/Programmer)

Perusahaan kami (ARISTON - Jakarta) sedang membutuhkan 2 (dua) orang Java Developer/Programmer dengan kriteria sebagai berikut:

  • Strong programming language: Java (JDK1.4 - JDK1.6), J2EE
  • Development Tool: Eclipse, Jasper/iReport
  • Database: PostgreSQL
  • Object Oriented Programming Concept
  • Fresh graduates/Entry level applicants are encouraged to apply
Lamaran bisa dikirim ke udayo@mayersuksesjaya.com

13 Mei 2008

LOWONGAN PT. Kompas Cyber Media

Urgently Required

Account Executive for Multimedia Advertising (Code: AE-3)
- Must have min. 2 years experience as AE in Media Industry (Multimedia preferred)
- Have the ability to drive a car and have a valid driving license
- Minimum Bachelor Degree (any discipline)
- Must be fluent in English, both oral and written
- Wide networking, good skills in presentation, communication and negotiation
- Target achievement orientation
- High skills in creating new ideas/concept
- Good personality, high integrity and team work
Web Designer (Code: WD-2)
- Experience as a Web Designer is preferred
- Background in Visual Communication Design is preferred
- Excellent in drawing and illustration skills
- Excellent in Adobe Photoshop, Macromedia Flash, Dreamweaver, and HTML
- High skills in creating new ideas/concept
- Good personality, high integrity and team work
- Please send us your portfolio along with your resume
Web Programmer (Code: Prog-2)
- Must have min. 1 year experience as a Programmer
- Minimum Bachelor Degree in Information Technology
- Excellent in both Windows and Linux OS
- Excellent in database (MySQL, SQL)
- Excellent in PHP programming
- Excellence in ASP.net and cfm is an advantage
- High skills in creating new ideas/concept
- Good personality, high integrity and team work
- Please send us your portfolio along with your resume
System Administrator Linux (Code: SA-2)
- Must have min. 6 month experience as a System Administrator
- Minimum Bachelor Degree in Computer Science/Information Technology/Information Management
- Good personality, high integrity and team work
Copywriter (Code: CW-2)
- Must have min. 2 years experience in Advertising (Internet literacy and online skill preferable)
- Minimum Bachelor Degree in Communication or Advertising
- Must be fluent in English, both oral and written
- High skills in creating new ideas/concept
- Good personality, high integrity, and team work
- Please send us your portfolio along with your resume
Marketing Executive (Code: Mark-2)
- Must have experience in marketing and advertising (experience in multimedia industry is preferred)
- Minimum Bachelor Degree
- High skills in creating new ideas/concept
- Excellent in making business proposal concept
- Excellent in planning marketing/promotion strategies and techniques
- Good knowledge in sales, marketing, and promotion in media industry
- Must be fluent in English, both oral and written
- Wide networking, good skills in presentation, communication and negotiation
- Good personality, high integrity and team work
Promotion Executive (Code: Prom-2)
- Must have experience in promotion (experience in multimedia industry is preferred)
- Minimum Bachelor Degree
- High skills in creating new ideas/concept
- Ability and experience in concepting and organizing promotional events
- Must be fluent in English, both oral and written
- Wide networking, good skills in presentation, communication and negotiation
- Good personality, high integrity and team work
Reporter (Code: Rep-2)
- Minimum Bachelor Degree
- Interested in writing (open for fresh graduate)
- Have general knowledge and interested in online journalism
- Willing to be assigned on shifting schedule
- Good personality, high integrity and team work
- Please send us your portfolio (articles) along with your resume
Proofreader (Code: Proofreader-2)
- Minimum Bachelor Degree
- Excellent knowledge and skills in grammar, editing, writing, and style in both Indonesian and English languages (experience in similar field is preferred)
- Good personality, high integrity and team work
Photographer (Code: Photographer-2)
- Minimum Bachelor Degree (any discipline)
- Excellent knowledge in techniques of photography
- Experience in journalism is preferred
- Good personality, high integrity and team work
- Please send us your portfolio along with your resume
Research Staff (Code: RST-2)
- Must have experience in Research & Development
- Minimum Bachelor Degree in Mathematics & Statistics/Psychometric or others
- Excellent in research methodologies and analyses (quantitative and qualitative methods)
- Able to implement measurement research system and tools (questionnaire, FGD, interview, etc.)
- Good personality, high integrity and team work
Send your full resume to rekrutmen-megaportal@kompas.com.
Please indicate the position you are applying for in the email Subject.


Fs|YM> BroerCharlie

Femina Group: Job Vacant - Senior / Junior Dot Net Web Developer

Femina group, one of the best woman lifestyle media in Indonesia, looking for some smart, enthusiasm, young talented people for join with us, in position:

Senior Web Developer / Supervisor (Dot Net) 
General spec: 
· Male / female, max. age 27
· S1 in IT with minimum IPK 3.00
· Must be a creative, self-motivated individual who is also a team player 
· Possesses the initiative and ability to work independently with minimal direction
· Organized and maintains a high level of productivity while facing many project with aggressive deadlines at once 
· Strong attention to detail, responsible, and reliable

Hard and smart worker and ready to work overtime
· Have a passion in online /web development

Detail Requirement: 

At least 2 year of ASP.Net experience 
Have experience in manage a small team for developing website / portal
Have experience in develop web application using .Net, JavaScript, AJAX, JSON (preferable)
Proficiency in ASP NET (2.0), JavaScript, div/css design (SEO optimizer)
Familiar with standard concepts, practices, and procedures within Software Development 
Familiar with SQL Server database, such as stored procedure, trigger, DML operation, DDL operation 
Preferable if have knowledge in content provider (optional)

Junior Web Developer (Dot Net) 
General spec: 
· Male / female, max. age 24
· S1 in IT with minimum IPK 3.00, fresh welcome
· Must be a creative, self-motivated individual who is also a team player 
· Possesses the initiative and ability to work independently with minimal direction
· Organized and maintains a high level of productivity while facing many project with aggressive deadlines at once 
· Strong attention to detail, responsible, and reliable

Hard and smart worker and ready to work overtime
· Have a passion in online /web development

Detail Requirement: 

Have experience in develop web application using .Net, JavaScript
Proficiency in ASP NET (2.0), JavaScript, div/css design (SEO optimizer)
Familiar with SQL Server database, such as stored procedure, trigger, DML operation, DDL operation 

Apply to:

DGSU : Dicari Staff IT & Programmer

Staff IT / Programmer (IT)

- Pria usia maks. 30 tahun
- Pendidikan Min. SLTA - D3 Program komputer
- Menguasai aplikasi programmer (VB.Net, Java, SQL Server, My SQL)
- Technical Support (LAN, Windows, Linux, Cisco)
- Pengalaman min 1 tahun dibidangnya / Fresh graduate
- Bersedia ditempatkan di area Jabodetabek

Lamaran harap dikirimkan melalui pos atau email kepada :
Manager HRD
PT. Dutagriya Sarana Utama (DGSU)
Jl. H. Nawi Raya No. 106
Kebayoran Baru
Jakarta Selatan 12420
email : lowongan@duta-griya.com
(Cantumkan posisi di sudut kiri atas)
Batas lamaran sampai dengan tgl 30 juli 2008

Lowongan Technical Support IT

Dear Moderators,

Numpang masang ya, kantor gw lagi nyari nih sekarang untuk posisi 
Technical Support IT , syarat2nya :

· Pendidikan Min. D3 Komputer / Elektro
· IPK min : 2,75
· Usia max : 27
· Pengalaman Min : 1 tahun
· Diutamakan menguasai : konsep networking, virus, Microsoft 
· Inovatif

Lamaran dilengkapi attachment foto & sertifikat yang dimiliki 
(related) dikirimkan ke email gw : budi_ae25@yahoo.co.uk atau 
bd_fmc@yahoo.com paling lambat 24 mei 2008.

Thanks semuanya ya
Budi Hermawan

EBIZ : Job Vacancy - BI DW Consultan


PT EBIZ CIPTA SOLUSI is a technology consulting company, specializing
in implementing Microsoft .NET Enterprise technology solutions in
Indonesia, especially in Business Intelligence / Data Warehouse using
Microsoft SQL Server's Technology.

EBIZ, as a Microsoft Gold Certified Partner, providing high-level
expertise in implementing Microsoft .NET Enterprise technologies and
creates innovative enterprise solutions for the world's leading
companies. From custom application to Business Intelligence, EBIZ
creates powerful, yet agile enterprise solutions that deliver
significant, positive impact to the business.

General Requirement:
•       At least Diploma (D3) in Computer Science or equivalent
•       Having a good interpersonal skill and a good attitude
•       Ability to work as a team
•       Ability to work under pressure
•       Ability to learn a new thing by himself/herself within short period
•       Ability to think out of box when solving a problem
•       Willing to work after office hour to meet our deadline

Technical Requirement:
•       Having at least 2 year working experiance developing solutions under
SQL Server environment or other database system
•       Having an excellent query and database skill (mandatory)
•       Having knowledge about .NET technology would be an advantage
•       Having knowledge about SQL Server Business Intelligence such as
Analysis Services, Reporting Service, and Integration Services would
be an advantage
•       Having knowledge about other Business Intelligence tools would be an advantage

Fresh graduates with excellent query skill are encourged to apply.
Please send your CV to hrd@ebizcipta.com and hendraep@ebizcipta.com

Intelligent eXpert: Lowongan Programmer

Intelligent eXpert a fast growing Information Technology company
seeks for qualified candidate to fulfill position as : PROGRAMMER

- Gender : Male / Female
- Minimum 2 years experience in delphi programming
- Having good knowledge in SQL database
- Maximum 29 years old
- Having own vehicle
- Able to work in team
- Good analytical thinking

Candidate should meet all the above requirements.
Please send complete CV with latest photo, 
email to: prj08@intelligentexpert.com

Best Regards, 
PT. Solusi Intelligent eXpert
Patra Office Tower 20th Floor
Jl. Jend Gatot Subroto Kav 32-34
Jakarta 12950
Site: www.intelligentexpert.com

Maitland Smith: Vacancy Progress Programmer

we are looking for Progress Programmer.


1. University graduated with GPA min 2.8 (scale 1-4).

2. Mastering in Progress programming, min Rel.9 (Progress 
OpenEdge Rel.10 is more advantage), both GUI version and Character 

3. Proficient in MFG Pro/QAD minimal eB.2 version.

4. 2 years experience in Custom Report for user and management 

5. Understanding/mastering basic concept programming and 
implementation of OOP.

6. Strong in analyze and logical.

7. Good interpersonal skills, discipline, high motivation, hard 
worked, and willing to work after office hours.

8. Tim Player, User oriented.

Send your CV and Application including expected salary before 2 weeks 
after this announcement to:


thank you,

M.H. Ramdan

09 Mei 2008

Axilian: Web Application Programmer

System Integrator Company for retail and restaurant looking for Web Application Programmer
1. Skilled in writing JavaScript, HTML, CSS
2. Know XML, JSON
3. Has working knowledge in building large application
Send your application, CV with your portfolio
Apt.Laguna Pluit Lt.Dasar. Blok B No.58
Jl.Pluit Timur Raya Blok MM
Jakarta 14450

08 Mei 2008

Lowongan Programmer - PT. Lintang Kawuryan

PT. Lintang Kawuryan, perusahaan IT berlokasi di Malang membutuhkan
PROGRAMMER dengan kualifikasi:
- Laki-laki belum menikah
- Lulus D3/S1 komputer
- Mengerti konsep RDBMS
- Menguasai Visual Basic 6.0, MS-SQL Server 2000, Crystal Report,
Windows Server Family.
- Diutamakan yang pernah membuat aplikasi, nilai tambah untuk
pengalaman membuat aplikasi rumah sakit.
- Mengerti dasar-dasar perangkat keras dan jaringan.
- Mampu bekerja berorientasi schedule/jadwal.
- Mampu bekerjasama dalam tim.
- Mempunyai sikap jujur dan amanah terhadap tugas.
- Bersedia ditugaskan ke luar kota atau luar pulau.
- Komunikatif, kreatif, inovatif dan dinamis.

Kirimkan surat lamaran disertai gaji yang diinginkan dan lampirannya
sebelum 16 Mei 2008 melalui email ke care(AT)linkar.co.id dalam
format DOC/PDF dengan subject "lamaran programmer" atau melalui POS
atau diantar langsung pada hari kerja (Senin s/d Jum'at pukul 08.00-
17.00 WIB) ke :
Jl. Sukarno Hatta Blok D 402-403 Kav. 2 Malang
Telp. 62-341-476456
Fax. 62-341-481399

Sertakan :
- Surat Lamaran dan CV
- Screen shot aplikasi yang pernah dibuat (jika ada pengalaman)
- Fc. Ijazah beserta transkrip nilai
- Foto terakhir berwarna 4x 6
- Fc. KTP

07 Mei 2008

Miraiten: Urgently Required : DotNet Programmer

Requirement :

- Male/ Female with maximum age of 27 years old.
- Execelent in MS .Net Technology
- Familiar with ASP.Net, VB.Net
- Understand OOP concept.
- Familiar with MS SQL Server or other RDBMS
- Fast learner, Good logic and willing to work hard.
- experience in developing DotNet Application

Send your CV + foto via email to :
recruitmet@miraiten.com or drunk_yakuza@yahoo.com

including expected salary.

PT Mirai Technology Indonesia
Ged. Sarana Jaya Lt II no 216.
Jl Tebet Barat IV. Jakarta Selatan - 12810. Indonesia

Miraiten: Urgently Required : PHP Database Programmer

Urgently Required : PHP Database Programmer

Requirement :

- Male/ Female with maximum age of 27 years old.
- Execelent in PHP, MySQL, PostgresQL, XML, CSS and javascript.
- Understand OOP concept.
- Familiar with AJAX.
- Fast learner, Good logic and willing to work hard.
- experience in developing Database Application using PHP.

Send your CV + foto via email to :
recruitmet@miraiten.com or drunk_yakuza@yahoo.com

including expected salary.

PT Mirai Technology Indonesia
Ged. Sarana Jaya Lt II no 216.
Jl Tebet Barat IV. Jakarta Selatan - 12810. Indonesia

06 Mei 2008

Intellisys: Lowongan Programmer [Java] 2008

Pak Moderator, ijin titip lowongan untuk teman2 JUG. Trims.

Best Regards,
Thomas Ivantoro Prasetyo
PT. IntelliSys Tripratama


IntelliSys as an IT Solutions Provider addresses organisation's information technology needs and challenges with a range of products, technologies, services, and partnerships for business computing.

Currently seeking for potential candidates in the following positions



  • .NET experience required
  • Excellent skills on .NET Application (ASP.NET, VB.NET, C#.NET and ADO.NET)
  • SQL experience required (MSSQL, Oracle)
  • Experience with UML Modeling tool is a plus
  • Experience in Web Service development using Java/XML/SOAP/WSDL is a plus
  • Net framework experience required
  • Experience with Microsoft NET platform (especially C#) is a plus



  • VB 6.0 experience required
  • Good knowledge of VB 6.0 and Crystal Report
  • SQL experience required (MSSQL, Oracle)



o 1 years experience in application development

o JAVA J2EE/J2SE experience required (servlet, JSP, XML, Ant, JasperReport)

o SQL experience required (Oracle PL/SQL or PostgreSQL)

o HTML, JavaScript experience required

o Experience in object – oriented analyst and design, database management, data structure, computer networking, and object – oriented programming

o Experience with UML Modeling tool is a plus



o Java EE and Java SE experience required (preferable experienced using framework Spring/Hibernate/RCP/Swing Framework/DWR/etc.

o SQL experience required (Oracle PL/SQL/Hibernate HQL/PostgreSQL)

o Experience using JasperReport/iReport

o HTML, JavaScript experience required

o Have experience with several Application Server such as BEA WebLogic and or IBM Websphere is a plus

o Experience in Web Service development using Java/XML/SOAP/WSDL is a plus

o Experience with UML Modeling tool is a plus

o Experience in object–oriented analyst and design, database management, data structure, computer networking, and object – oriented programming

General Qualifications

Ø Bachelor Degree in Computer Science or equivalent

Ø Hands on experience in developing large – scale high performance applications

Ø 2 years solid experience in application development

Ø Strong organizational skill, including the ability to quickly resolve problems and work with little supervision

Ø Highly motivated, strong software design and debugging others

Ø Strong analytical skill and attention to detail

Ø Highly motivated, strong software design and debugging others

Ø Able to work under pressure and tight schedule, independently and proactively

Ø Able to start working immediately

Please apply if you meet the criteria above. Accordingly, we offer generous compensation scheme, career development opportunities, and importantly challenging opportunity to grow and learn new things in a flexible and supportive working environment

Send your resume to:

sitik@intellisys.co.id or siti.khodijah@gmail.com