08 April 2008

Lowongan MIS Officer

Dear All...

Bagi bapak/ ibu yang mempunyai keluarga/ saudara/ teman yang ingin bergabung dalam
Program Peace Through Development, kerjasama UNDP dan Bappenas, sebagai MIS Officer,
sebagaimana iklan yang dimuat di harian Kompas kemarin (5 april) berikut saya lampirkan TOR nya.

Selain tupoksi sederhana di TOR sebagai MIS officer di PMU Nasional, calon harus mampu
mengkoordinir seluruh MIS Officer di wilayah paska konflik horizontal (3 prop: Sulteng, maluku dan
maluku utara, serta 6 kab/kota: Palu, poso, seram bagian barat, maluku tengah, sula, halmahera barat)
Biasanya ada kunjungan rutin ke wilayah konflik (sering2 baca do'a saja :-) )

Pe-wawancara dari UNDP dan Bappenas. (inggris & Indonesia)
Semoga bermanfaat.......berikut TOR nya:

MIS ( Management InformationSystem) Officer

Duties and Resposibilities.
The MIS officer will haveresponsibility for assisting the Project Management Units (PMUs) inaccomplishing their tasks relating to ensure the availability of databasemanagement through information collection and dissemination process fordecision making purposes. S/He will workclosely with the development of a monitoring and evaluation strategy that takesinto account information flows from the field. Under the supervision ofthe Project Manager, the incumbent will perform the following functions andduties:
Strategic Oversight
To overview allactivities at the national level in the area of Management Information System toensure they fit with project strategic.
To assist the regionally based Project Management Units (PMUs) in developing similar regional level oversight; Perform other related functions as required in this area.Implementation of Technical Assistance
overview any activities at the national level in the area of Management
Information System, in particular their form, contents, timing,
effectiveness, project transparency and results, to ensure they are in
line with the project document and any other documents;·
To assist regional PMUs in identifying project activities to besupport in the area of Management Information System;
To work closely with the regional PMUs to ensure that MISactivities contribute the project objectives and approaches and that proposedactivities are tecnichal visible and in line with UNDP project approvalprocesses and procedures;
To making database system which as a guidance in all PMUs Provinceand district
To establish PTD¢s website
To publish the data periodically
To making the daily report based on the activities
To provide support to on-going data collection initiatives througha mechanism of outreach and advocacy.
To support the development of strategic and operational decisionmaking by processing information and presenting it in the format most usefulfor analysis (e.g. reports, maps).
To maintain network connectivity, firewall, as well as internet connection and ensure all systems function effectively ·
To assist in day-to-day trouble shooting and providerecommendation(s) on any issues related to IT maintenance and development ofthe project offices.
To assist in organizing in-house trainings on the use ofsoftware and applications made available to the staff to support their dailytasks
To Liaise with other MIS Assistant under PTD programm to maintain the office connectivity, corporate software and policy To provide appropriate hardware/software specifications according to the office requirement To ensure reporting arrangement for Management Information System, are being implemented an are met in a timely manner meeting high standards;To act as PTD¢s in house expertise on Management Information SystemFacilitate relevant in-house and external information sharing and knowledge management;·
Performother related duties as required.

MinimumS1/ Bachelor Degree in Computer Science and Database Management or otherrelevant field.
Minimum7 (five) years of professional experience in handling database management.
Experience in working in government related projects,
development organizations or funding agencies;
Goodcommunication, interpersonal and liaison skill;
Ideally fluency in verbal and written English
Mustbe a good team player committing to enhancing and bringing additional value tothe work of the team as a whole;
on Monitoring & Evaluation will be a plus

Peace, Love n Harmony

Management Information System Officer
Peace Through Development Programme
www.ptd-id.org, www.its4peace.net
HP: +62819230665

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